Gwinnett County DUI Lawyer

Gwinnett County DUI Lawyer
Gwinnett County DUI Lawyer


Gwinnett County DUI Attorney

Driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs or alcohol is a serious offense in Gwinnett County, and the repercussions of a conviction can be extensive, not to mention the stigma associated with it. It is important to recognize that even if you are arrested and charged with a DUI, it does not mean you will be convicted. A Gwinnett County DUI lawyer can evaluate your case to determine the potential avenues for building your defense strategy.

At The Law Office of Lawrence J. Zimmerman, our skilled Gwinnett County legal team has a successful track record while defending clients who face DUI charges. We have a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of DUI cases and are well-equipped to provide you with an aggressive defense tailored to your specific circumstances.

Why You Should Hire a Gwinnett County DUI Lawyer

If you are facing DUI charges, there are several advantages to hiring a knowledgeable and experienced Gwinnett County DUI lawyer to help you through the legal process, including:

  • Local knowledge. A Gwinnett County lawyer has in-depth knowledge of the local DUI laws, court procedures, and perhaps even the prosecutor and judge involved in your case. This can give you a great advantage during the legal proceedings.
  • Personalized defense. A skilled DUI lawyer can build you a defense that is specific to the details of your case and maximize the likelihood of you getting a successful outcome.
  • Challenge evidence. A lawyer can investigate your case and evaluate all evidence to expose possible weaknesses in the prosecution’s case against you.
  • Negotiations. A DUI lawyer can leverage their negotiation skills to get the prosecution to reduce your penalties or the charges against you through a plea agreement. In the event of a conviction, they could also argue reasons for lighter penalties.
  • Support system. It can be mentally and emotionally demanding dealing with DUI charges. Hiring a DUI attorney can help relieve some of that uncertainty and stress, giving you peace of mind and some freedom to focus on other important areas of your life.

Ultimately, securing the legal services of a qualified, capable DUI lawyer in Gwinnett County will be an investment in your future. When you entrust your case to a dedicated legal professional, you can feel confident and assured that your rights will be protected and that you are giving yourself the chance to achieve the most favorable outcome of your case.

Georgia DUI Laws

In the state of Georgia, DUI laws are strictly enforced. They pertain to all drivers, including commercial drivers and drivers under the age of 21, for whom the laws are even more strict. Generally, it is illegal for a person to drive if they are under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or a toxic vapor to the point where it is unsafe for them to drive.

A person aged 21 and older cannot legally drive or operate a moving vehicle if their blood alcohol content (BAC) is 0.08 or higher. Commercial drivers are not legally allowed to drive a commercial vehicle if their BAC is 0.04 or higher. Drivers under the age of 21 can’t drive a vehicle if their BAC is 0.02 or higher.

The state sets up legal DUI checkpoints as a way to combat impaired driving. At these checkpoints, police officers can stop drivers and check them for any signs of drug or alcohol impairment. If an officer reasonably suspects that a driver is under the influence, they can conduct chemical tests (breath, blood, or urine) and field sobriety tests. In Georgia, there is an implied consent law all drivers accept when they get their license, agreeing to submit to chemical tests if arrested for a DUI.

It is essential to know that despite the implied consent law, you have the right to refuse a chemical test, but not without consequence. Refusing a chemical test can result in having your license suspended for a set period of time, and the refusal may be used against you if you are put on trial.

Penalties for a DUI Conviction

The penalties for being convicted of DUI vary and depend on several factors. These factors will affect both whether the charge is a misdemeanor or a felony and the severity of the criminal penalties following a conviction. These factors might include the number of past DUI offenses and any aggravating factors, like a high BAC or if the driver caused an accident. Potential penalties include:

  • Payment of a Monetary FineIndividuals may be ordered to pay a fine if they are found guilty of a DUI charge. A judge is usually the one who decides on the amount, but it can be hundreds of dollars and can get into the thousands. Not to mention, you will also be responsible for paying any court fees.
  • Serving Jail Time and ProbationA DUI conviction can potentially result in a jail sentence, even if it is your first offense. A judge may probate, suspend, or stay a jail sentence at their discretion, so it is possible to receive no jail time at all. However, if your BAC was at or above 0.08 when the offense was committed, you must serve a mandatory minimum amount of time in jail. You may also be placed on probation for a specified period of time.
  • Mandatory Community ServiceA driver who is convicted of a DUI must do a set amount of community service as an additional punishment. There is a required minimum number of hours for those who had a BAC of at least 0.08, as well as those who had a BAC that was less than 0.08.
  • License SuspensionLicense suspension is a more inconvenient penalty for a DUI conviction. It can severely affect your day-to-day activities and cause issues if you have no other mode of reliable transportation. It becomes an even more impactful penalty if someone relies on you.The license suspension can last a relatively long time, especially after multiple convictions. However, it may be possible to get a limited driving permit if you meet the qualifications. This permit would allow you to drive to certain places when it is necessary, but there are often restrictions.
  • DUI Risk Reduction Program and Clinical EvaluationA DUI conviction means attending a DUI Risk Reduction Program within a specified window of time, for which you are responsible for paying. You also must undergo a clinical evaluation. If, after the evaluation, there is a recommendation for substance abuse treatment, you must also attend a treatment program. Both programs must be completed in order to have your license reinstated.

If you are convicted of multiple DUIs in a certain period of time, the penalties get more severe with each offense, and you can eventually be charged with a felony DUI. A felony conviction can not only carry harsher punishments but also have more of an impact on your life. Understanding the gravity of a DUI charge and seeking a DUI lawyer for proper guidance is crucial to navigating the legal process.


Q. How Much Does a DUI Lawyer Cost in Georgia?

A. The cost of a DUI lawyer in Georgia will vary widely. There are many factors that affect a lawyer’s fees, including the complexity of your case, the lawyer’s reputation and level of experience, and the services the lawyer will need to provide. It is vital to consult with a lawyer to determine an estimate of how much it would cost to have them represent you. It can make a big difference in the outcome of your case if you invest in a quality lawyer.

Q. Should I Get a Lawyer for My First DUI in Georgia?

A. It is highly recommended that you get a lawyer for your first DUI in Georgia. There are serious penalties that come with a DUI conviction, even if it is your first offense. A lawyer can work to mitigate potential penalties, minimize the impact of a DUI conviction on your life, and help you reach a favorable outcome.

Q. How Do I Fight a DUI in Georgia?

A. To fight a DUI in Georgia, you need a lawyer with a deep understanding of DUI laws and the legal prowess to develop a strong defense strategy for you. A defense lawyer can challenge the traffic stop, question the reliability of field sobriety tests and the accuracy of chemical tests, and present alternate possibilities for your conduct at the traffic stop.

Q. How Much Are Court Fees in Georgia for a DUI?

A. Court fees in Georgia can be thousands of dollars for a DUI. The fees associated with a DUI can include any fines imposed by the DUI conviction and related charges, the cost of bail, and costs to process your case through the court system. This is all in addition to what you will have to pay for the required programs and, eventually, the payment to have your license reinstated.

Reach Out to The Law Office of Lawrence J. Zimmerman

Don’t allow a DUI charge to completely derail your entire life. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation and have your case assessed. Learn how we can help you protect your rights and your future. We can support you at every stage.

Gwinnett County
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Drug Crimes
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Sex Crimes
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